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Please click on the links below for a variety of resources to support your child in maths at home

(note that this page is best viewed on a computer rather than phone).


The "Stage" links give parents an overview of how the Numeracy Stages work (please contact your class teacher if you are unsure at all about the Stage at which your child is operating). The "Support for Parents" link is great for parents wanting to explore more about numeracy progressions and what you can do to support your child.


Other links include Basic Facts practice sheets, useful websites and links to online games or apps which parents may find useful. These will be added to over time to hopefully build up a handy resource for parents to draw upon.


The Mathletics link requires a password, which all Year 4-6 students are given by the teacher.


Click on the links below for a selection of maths related sites for all ages


(note that some sites are better than others, some have pop-up ads and some require flashplayer or other apps for games to work)


  • FunBrainFunBrain is a great site for interactive, educational games (math, english, science) for children and kids of all ages.


  • Cool Maths 4 Kids An amusement park of maths and more -- especially designed for kids and FUN, FUN, FUN!


  • Maths Playground Math Playground is an action-packed educational site for older students. Practice your math skills, play a logic game, and have some fun!


  • A+Maths - Visit the game room and play exciting games like Matho and Hidden Picture.Test your math skills with the Flashcards! Try out the Math Word Find puzzle.


  • Multiplication MadnessFun interactive multiplication games for all ages. Try Maths Space Shuttle, Robot Calculator or Multiplication Tunnel Blaster. These are just a few of the games on this site to help with your basic facts.​​


  • Gregtangmath - A range of different maths games at various levels




i-Pad and other Apps

Below are a variety of apps which you can search for in the App Store, some of which are free and others at a cost​


  • Bubble Math - Basic Facts practice across all levels


  • Monster Math - Basic Facts practice across all levels









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